Friday, June 14, 2013

Who will teach our children?

Today in class we talked about something that I think is very important; today we talked about the importance of teaching our children, especially in regards to marital intimacy. I think that it is crucial that we as parents take the time to talk to our children and teach them about marital intimacy as they become old enough to understand this concept. Now I know this may be an awkward or challenging topic to discuss with our children, but think about it, if we don't teach our children this important information, who will? Most likely it will be the rest of the world that will teach them about marital intimacy, and honestly, the world may teach our children incorrectly and provide them with ideas and beliefs that are contrary to our own beliefs. Teaching our children the truth about the sanctity and sacredness of marital intimacy can provide them with information that can later help them fight against the temptations of the world in regards to this topic. Christian author and speaker Joe Beam stated:
 By telling . . . the truth about God’s intent for sex in marriage, we [don’t set them] up for temptation or sin or anything but a wonderful marriage. . . . Besides, we know that the forces of Satan work best in the dark, not in the light [see John 3:19-20]. It’s the misguidance and misinformation that teens get from each other or provocative TV shows and movies that sets up temptation. The truth—the light—gives the power to overcome those temptations.
Today there are so many sources of information in the world, but these aren't always sources that we can trust to teach our children truth. In order for us to teach our children the correct principles and ideas in regards to marital intimacy, we must take the time ourselves to sit down with our children and teach them the truth, that marital intimacy is not a bad thing, but it must be done in the proper and correct situations within marriage. Now I know that there are some people who feel like their children's schools or church organizations will teach their children about these important topics, but we need to remember that it is our responsibility as parents to teach our children these things in the home. The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has stated:
Parents have a God-given duty to teach their children to understand the laws and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ (D&C 68:25-28). Parents cannot properly shift this duty to other persons or organizations. . . ."Many public and private schools are offering instruction on human sexuality and related subjects. Parents should be aware of the content of such instruction, so they can supplement it with appropriate teachings of moral values and responsibilities in the home. . . .
So even though we may feel like our children's schools and church organizations may be able to teach our children about marital intimacy, we must remember that it is our duty and responsibility as parents to teach our children the proper and correct information. And if our children's schools or other organizations do talk about these subjects, it is important that we as parents know exactly what is being presented and taught to our children in these settings to ensure that they are receiving correct and appropriate teachings that reflect the moral values taught within our homes. As we take an active part in our children's lives and make sure that we are teaching them correct and appropriate principles and values in regards to marital intimacy, we can have greater assurance that they will know the truth about marital intimacy; that is, it is not something that is wrong and dirty, but instead it is a sacred and sanctified act that needs to be used only within the bonds of marriage to ensure that it remains sacred and sanctified. If we don't teach our children these important lessons and values, we may find that the world will teach them to our children in ways that are inappropriate and inconsistent with our own beliefs and morals.

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