Saturday, July 20, 2013

Coming Together in Marriage

So this was the last week of my Family Relations class here at BYU-Idaho, and one of the things that I really enjoyed learning about was the reality of marriage and how two people come together to make something wonderful and magical. As an example our teacher provided us with the example of the song titled "Love Story meets Viva La Vida" composed by the musical artists known as The Piano Guys. At the end of this blog post I have attached the link so that if you would like to you can view the video. But in this song it provides a great example of how to individuals with two different talents and abilities come together to make a successful and wonderful creation, in this case it is the beautiful song that is composed. In marriage you take two individuals that have different qualities, traits, and characteristics, and with work and effort, these two individuals are able to make their marriage a wonderful and cherished event. The song took a lot of work and effort in order for it to turn out as great as it did; it wasn't something that just came easy. The same thing occurs in marriage; in order for it to work and turn out great, there must be work and effort put in by both of the individuals within the marriage.

Another lesson that can be learned from this song by The Piano Guys is that at the beginning it is the song "Love Story" which is a soft, sweet song where everything is happy and love is plentiful. But then they switch to the song "Viva La Vida" which means "Living Life". Everyone views marriage as something blissful, sweet, and wonderful, but then they realize that after a while it's not just all lovey-dovey and magical, but life occurs and we have to live life. And then usually we see at the end of marriage when the couple becomes older, they go back to the love story of marriage where everything is wonderful and magical like it was in the beginning, just like the song ends with "Love Story". But this song has many high and low tempos, and this can relate to marriage as there are ups and downs in marriage as well. But without these highs and lows, marriage would be somewhat boring if it was just the same thing over and over again; the same thing happens with the song because without the changes in the tempo, the music would be very monotone and somewhat boring. I have really enjoyed this class and hope to continue learning about families as I continue on in life.

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