Friday, May 10, 2013

Unspoken Rules in Families

I have learned so much this past week about families, and I am so excited about the information we are learning! One topic that we discussed this week was how in almost every family, there are unspoken rules. These aren't the typical rules that a lot of families have posted somewhere in their homes, but instead are specific rules that apply directly to that specific family. And most of the time these rules are not directly laid out at first; instead, we learn these rules through experiences we encounter within our family. We had the opportunity to look at our own families and share some of the unspoken rules that our families had. At first I didn't really think my family had any, but after thinking about it for a little while, I actually found some of these unspoken rules within my own family.
For example, one of my family's unspoken rules is that you don't eat anything without asking first. I learned this rule through experience. Before I knew that you don't eat things without asking first, I would eat what looked good and then sometimes get in trouble for eating something that I wasn't supposed to eat. We were taught to ask before eating things because certain foods could be needed for certain occasions, or maybe it was food that was going to be for a later meal. So in my family, you need to ask before eating the food.
Another unspoken rule that I discovered within my family was when Dad wants to watch something on TV, you either watch what he is watching or you don't watch the TV at all. So when my Dad would come home, we knew that we would have to watch what he wanted to watch if we were going to be watching TV. Sometimes we would hide the remote and claim to not know where it was, but in the end, the channel got turned to what he wanted to watch.
It was really interesting to look at these various unspoken rules within different classmates' families, and how each family has different rules, and even some of the same rules. I am looking forward to seeing what unspoken rules my future family will have; it will definitely be interesting to see what happens!

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