Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gender Roles in Society

So this week we have been talking a lot about gender roles in our society and how they affect the ways that males and females act and interact with each other. One thing that I found really interesting was how the majority of the gender roles given in society come from the way that society thinks that males and females should act. It also influences the activities that each gender participates in. Some of the typical gender roles given to males are that they are the ones who work outside; they work with cars and work in the garden and take care of things outside of the house. Men are also given the role of typically taking care of the budget in the family. With women, they are typically given the role of working inside of the house and taking care of things inside of the house; they cook, clean, and take care of the children inside of the house. But just because society has specified each gender as having specific roles, this doesn't mean that they can't take on other roles besides the ones that society has deemed acceptable for them. I believe that men and women have divine and specific qualities that help them to be successful in certain roles, but each gender can learn to be successful in other roles as well.
One other thing that I really found interesting is that a lot of these roles deemed appropriate by society for each gender come from the way that we respond to each gender's actions and behaviors. We tend to show negative responses to boys who play with dolls, like to dance, and be creative. We see these actions and behaviors as things that are "girly" or feminine actions and behaviors, and then we negatively respond to these actions to show them that these actions and behaviors are not appropriate for them to be involved in.
It has really been interesting seeing how many of the gender roles found in society come about, and how these gender roles influence the behaviors and actions that are deemed acceptable and unacceptable by society.

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